
Find Inspiration and Explore Best Practices in Leadership Training

Erika Petrelli

Just Be: Exercises To Stop Worrying And Just Be Yourself

Erika Petrelli

Just Be Super You

Erika Petrelli

I’m Missing Out

Erika Petrelli

A Seussism For You-ssism

A Seussism, you say? Well that sounds ok! Join Erika (and Geisel) in a Seussism display!

Erika Petrelli

Then and Now: My 25-year Reunion

This week, Erika uses her high school 25-year reunion to reflect on memories. Memories of the past, as well as memories going forward

Erika Petrelli


Erika Petrelli

Sliding In: Recognizing Your Unique Self

How aware are you of your "unique self"? It's in there, and Erika wants you to get in touch with it. When given any satisfactory stretch of smooth surface ahead of him, my son Dylan (who is 4) is...

Erika Petrelli

The Person and The Pea: How Fear Stops Us from Living

In this week's post, "The Person and the Pea: How Fear Stops Us from Living, Erika discusses how little things can quickly become big deals... I never understood the story of The Princess and the...

Erika Petrelli

Everyday Joy

Happiness, with a capital H, can feel so elusive for so many. But what about everyday joy? These are the two words that have been floating through my head the last few days: everyday joy. Everyday...

Erika Petrelli

Kindness and Martin Luther King

Erika took advantage of the school holiday to speak with her children about kindness and Martin Luther King; about what it means to stand up for others, what it means to be kind versus being cruel....