Leading by Example
An opportunity to develop effective and successful leadership techniques for enhancing self-esteem, respect, and conflict resolution skills in students. Learn strategies for creating an environment of cooperation, communication, and respect in the classroom.
Effective Facilitation
Learn the effective characteristics and techniques of a successful group facilitator and find your own unique facilitation style. By examining live moments of group facilitation, learn to identify the difference between effective and ineffective facilitation.
The Organized Educator
With such a wide range of steady and evolving responsibilities and expectations, organization can be one of the most challenging aspects of work. Come learn quick and easy-to-use strategies, ideas, and systems that will work for your personal style.
Culturally Responsive Teaching
A space to develop the knowledge, skills, and predispositions needed to teach students from diverse racial, ethnic, lingual, and social backgrounds. Using an experiential approach, define prejudice and discrimination while exploring ways to self-reflect before making assumptions.
SOAR: A Social Work Perspective on Classroom Management
Using role play, lectures, small group discussions, and interactive activities, this workshop offers a tangible classroom management methodology that empowers you to more effectively reach the youth you serve. Understand the psychology behind your students’ actions and learn tools to help you deal with a number of difficult situations.
Building Leaders Through Conflict Resolution
Examine conflict using multiple perspectives—from its definition to the situations in which conflict arises, and all the factors along the way—experience lessons from our national celebrated conflict resolution curriculum and turn-key what you learn back to the classroom.
CCSS as a Roadmap
Look at the Common Core State Standards as a roadmap for successful planning and implementations. In this workshop, plan to deconstruct how learning connects to the different standards and leave with a clear understanding of how to use the CCSS as an effective tool to deepen the learning experience.
Literacy Through Games
Description coming soon.
Learning and the Brain
Learn about various brain-based learning systems, the regions of the brain, their functions, and cognitive processing. Participants will identify strategies that positively impact memory organizing, focusing, patterning, and retaining. Identify the connection between brain-based learning and social-emotional learning, and leave understanding how to apply these researched techniques into the classroom setting.
Problem-Based Learning
Take a look at the nature of Problem-Based Learning and the rationale of its use. Experience PBL by working through real-world problems that will highlight how the motivation to solve a problem can become an extremely effective way to motivate learning. Walk away with specific strategies to begin implementing this approach with your students.
Bridges to Learning: Unlocking the Power of NYC
New York City is a labyrinth of untapped learning potential. Come learn about the “streets of New York” and discover what magic awaits you, your students, and your fellow educators. We have designed sessions available, and can also customize excursions based on a unit theme.
Multiple Methods of Engagement
Learn key tips to making your next class, presentation, or meeting more engaging. With activities, group discussion, and deconstruction, take a hands-on look at optimum teaching approaches for different types of learners.
Social-emotional learning and engagement programs
Science and the Art of Engagement
Effectively engaging is both critically important and very difficult to achieve, particularly with hard to reach students. Here we provide an opportunity to explore both the art and science of engagement—gaining practical tips for engagement while learning the brain science and psychology behind those tips. Walk away with tangible techniques for engaging your audience.
Empowering Upstanders: A Response to Bullying
Examine the roots, causes, and effects of bullying while learning about the characteristics of bullies, bystanders, and upstanders. Learn strategies that promote empathy and awareness to support a bully-free environment in your school community.
Effective Advisory
Description coming soon.
HERstory/HISstory: Empowering Young Women and Men
Gain an understanding of how to use ELA-based activities to guide teenage girls and boys on the journey of self-discovery and positive relationship building. Learn the art of using writing prompts to foster improvements in student health, behavior, and academic performance by exploring self-concept from various perspectives.
Integrating Arts into the Classroom
Art can be utilized in infinite ways to keep students hooked in the subjects they are learning. Learn tangible tools from a variety of art forms that can be infused into lessons while still satisfying your teaching objectives.
How to Support Over-Age, Under-Credited Youth
Description coming soon.
Learning to Lead: Building a Mentoring Program
Description coming soon.
Using Technology to Engage the 21st Century Student
In the modern age of technology, the computer, SMARTboard, laptop, tablet, and smartphone have become a central part of communication, education, and professionalism. Learn ways to integrate more clips, footage, and multimedia to keep your students at the edge of their seats, excited to learn.
Using Play to Engage
Play wakes up the senses. It makes life more vibrant and joyful. It opens us up to our creative selves and makes us less risk-adverse. It also creates cultures full of dedicated lifelong learners. Learn how to get participants excited about learning by engaging them with play.
Lead the Change: Learning Through Activism
Learn strategies and lessons for engaging students and staff in a community improvement project. The stages of the project are broken down into user-friendly stages to promote purposeful planning and smooth execution.