The Leadership Blog

Find Inspiration and Explore Best Practices in Leadership Training

Erika Petrelli

The Hope That Emerges

So, I backed into my neighbor’s mailbox the other day. Knocked it clean off its post. As it happens it was my daughter’s best friend’s house, so it brought my kids no small amount of merriment. The...

Erika Petrelli

The Broken Places

I’ve come to understand something in the last few months that is in direct opposition to everything I’ve decided that I “knew” for as many years as I can remember. This realization is both shockingly...

Erika Petrelli

The Lost Places

“I see my path, but I don't know where it leads. Not knowing where I'm going is what inspires me to travel it.”  Rosalía de Castro

Erika Petrelli


I love trees.   Love them in ways I can’t explain.

Erika Petrelli


I burst a blood vessel in my eye today. Randomly and without any seeming provocation. I literally walked by a mirror and was like “Wait, what?” Similarly the other week I threw out my back, just by...

Erika Petrelli

Appreciation, To Those Who Teach

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week… so, if you are a teacher, a group leader, a coach, a mentor, a Big Brother or Sister, a bus driver, a school nurse, a counselor, a receptionist, a security...

Erika Petrelli

May In My Heart

It’s May It’s May It’s May!

Erika Petrelli

The Fluidity of Time

Time is such a funny thing, isn’t it?

Erika Petrelli

Simple Happiness

What does happiness look like to you? What does it feel like?

Erika Petrelli

The Super Hero That IS Within

The kids and I saw the movie Shazam this weekend. We all loved it, and afterward they immediately grabbed their sketchbooks with the intention of creating their own superheroes. After some initial...

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