The Leadership Blog

Find Inspiration and Explore Best Practices in Leadership Training

Erika Petrelli

The Block

Writer’s block is a horrible thing. Many a Monday-into-Tuesday I stare at the computer screen without an inkling of an idea of what to write for my weekly blog. I stare at a blank page, desperately...

Erika Petrelli

Raw Happiness

I recently saw a video of a 3 year old boy auditioning on a show called “Amazing Chinese,” similar in style to “America’s Got Talent.” If this video has somehow escaped your inbox, you can watch it ...

Erika Petrelli

Just ASK

Why do I have to learn this lesson over and over and over again?

Erika Petrelli

On Housekeeping: My Messy Beautiful

Our house, like many I would imagine, has floorboards that run the length of the walls of every room. I discovered them this past weekend. I also discovered that they aren’t, in fact, supposed to be...

Erika Petrelli


Yesterday I had two very different and monumental goodbyes.  I said goodbye to my cat of 17 years and I said goodbye to my company’s office of 14 years.

Erika Petrelli

Lessons From Thelma

The woman who has been “granny” for nearly 14 years died last week at the age of 97. She was my grandpa’s girlfriend for five years before he passed away, and we kept her in our family for nine...

Erika Petrelli

Ah, Weather

I know I shouldn’t care about the weather, but I do. And I know the weather is the most boring topic on earth, but it’s been part of my conversations for months now. I mean—it’s MARCH and we’re still...

Erika Petrelli

In Pursuit of the Perfect Bag

I was in NYC last week and scored my first “street bag” in the nearly three years since I’ve lived there. For those of you unfamiliar with New York City ways, vendors alight every corner of the...

Erika Petrelli

Yes and Both

So you know how we like to say that some people are extroverts and some people are introverts?

Erika Petrelli


A dear friend of mine is in the midst of a  crisis, and it is heartbreaking. It’s the kind of crisis that leaves the rest of us helplessly asking if we can bring snacks.