For our students and our children, it may be impossible for them to believe that many of us went to school when there was no internet. Jenny did, and now that she is heading back to school, she's seeing first-hand just how much things have changed. Read her introduction below, and be sure to check back next month for the first full-length reflection
One month ago I stepped into a traditional academic classroom as a student for the first time in 18 years. When I received my undergraduate degree, I had a cellphone my mother insisted I take on the treacherous 45-minute drive between campus and home, but had no other use for. I had no MySpace account, no Twitter handle, and referred to the hash tag symbol as "pound." Because there was no Internet.
To research my senior thesis, I would drive from Connecticut College in New London to the Bridgeport Public Library once a week where I would take census volumes off the shelf. I would then take notes with pen and paper, replace the volumes, and drive back to school. To supplement these trips, I used microfiche and, occasionally, the Lexus-Nexus terminal which I considered new fangled and scary.
Times have changed and so have I. Being a student at 40 (that's right, I said it!) is an entirely different sensation. In this blog I will explore my relationship to being a student in light of my experiences as an educator and a supervisor of teaching artists. I hope to illuminate my work through increased empathy and perspective. Please let me know what resonates for you.
Jenny Greeman is an artist an educator living in NYC. She is a Program Manager at The Leadership Program and an artistic associate with New Perspectives Theatre Company and Dark Lady Players. She is in her first semester as a Master of Public Administration candidate at Baruch College.
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