Connecting SEL and Art

Zoey Hart


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) takes many forms and we wanted to highlight them. This week we are highlighting how an art club helped a student with Self Management. 

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), Self Management is the ability to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations and to achieve goals and aspirations.


T. was a shy 10th grader, who slowly became more comfortable and excited attending art club. By the second month, T. was setting up early each week, ready to show the characters he designed in his sketchbook, which he used to "take some space and chill out" when things got stressful at home. 

Self Management Picture

Do you see where T. : 

  • Managed his emotions
  • is using stress management strategies
  • Exhibited self-discipline and self-motivation
  • Using planning and organizational skills
  • Showing the courage to take initiative
  • Demonstrating personal and collective agency


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Zoey Hart

By Zoey Hart

Zoey Hart is a Leadership Trainer. She works all over NYC with students, administrators, and parents teaching Visual Arts and The Creative Spirit. Please check out her work on Instagram: