Leader Resources

On the Ground - Trippin'

Written by Njoli Brown | Friday, May 23, 2014

Every student loves a good field trip! Thing is, there's a lot to take into account, testing schedules, permission slips, DOE chaperones, and all the rest. So I like to get way in front of it, both talking about possible trips right up front to get a feel for how my school contact thinks we might make that happen and, having researched some feasibles that relate directly to my unit plan/semester outline.

Some forethought gives you the time to build some school relationships and, perhaps, make it easier to find a staff member who's willing to travel with you.  Maybe you even choose a trip that can somehow relate back to STEM/CCSS and thus have a classroom teacher whose work is supported by it.  This also lets your school's principal know you were thoughtful about the planning and have some real intention around choosing a trip that will feed the students on multiple levels.

High 5

I love this site!  They have a huge array of shows happening all around the city, give you quite a bit of advanced notice and, the average student price is $5 per.  This fits exactly into our field trip budget. I've had great luck finding productions that fit all kinds of educational objectives.

NYC Parks
I guess the title says it all. While the season is right, it's a good time to take advantage of some outdoor opportunities.  The calendar is really comprehensive and fits into our model of planning, planning, planning.