Leader Resources

Exploring CASEL SELect Programs

Written by The Leadership Program | Wednesday, May 24, 2023

In today's educational landscape, fostering social and emotional skills has become increasingly important. Recognizing this need, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has introduced the CASEL SELect program. This article delves into the world of CASEL SELect programs, exploring their criteria for designation and the numerous benefits they offer.

Criteria for CASEL SELect Designation

CASEL SELect programs are meticulously designed and rigorously evaluated to ensure their efficacy in promoting social and emotional learning. To achieve the prestigious CASEL SELect designation, programs must meet the following criteria:

Alignment with CASEL's Framework: 

CASEL has developed a comprehensive framework outlining five core competencies of social and emotional learning—self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Programs seeking CASEL SELect designation must align with and integrate these competencies into their curriculum and approach.

Evidence-Based Practices: 

Rigorous research and evidence form the bedrock of CASEL SELect programs. These programs must employ evidence-based practices supported by empirical research, demonstrating their effectiveness in enhancing social and emotional skills among students. They should utilize well-established pedagogical strategies and techniques that have been validated by scientific studies.

Implementation Fidelity: 

Consistency is key when implementing SEL programs. CASEL SELect programs must demonstrate a high level of fidelity in their implementation, ensuring that the intended curriculum and strategies are effectively delivered to students. This includes adequate training for educators, ongoing support, and monitoring to maintain program integrity.

Assessment and Continuous Improvement: 

CASEL SELect programs prioritize the use of assessments to measure students' social and emotional growth. These programs should have robust evaluation measures in place to monitor students' progress and inform program improvements. Regular feedback and data analysis help refine and enhance the program's effectiveness over time.

Benefits of CASEL SELect Programs

CASEL SELect programs offer a myriad of benefits to students, educators, and the broader school community. Let's explore some of these advantages:

Improved Academic Performance: 

Research has consistently shown that social and emotional learning positively impacts academic achievement. By developing essential skills like self-regulation, empathy, and responsible decision-making, CASEL SELect programs create an optimal learning environment. Students become more engaged, focused, and motivated, leading to improved academic performance across various subjects.

Enhanced Social Skills: 

Interpersonal relationships play a crucial role in students' overall well-being. CASEL SELect programs equip students with the necessary tools to navigate social interactions successfully. Through collaborative activities, conflict resolution exercises, and communication strategies, students develop empathy, active listening skills, and the ability to work effectively in teams.

Emotional Well-being: 

Emotional intelligence is a vital component of social and emotional learning. CASEL SELect programs provide students with the opportunity to understand and manage their emotions effectively. They learn to recognize and express their feelings in a healthy manner, develop coping strategies, and build resilience, ultimately fostering emotional well-being.

Positive School Climate: 

When social and emotional learning is prioritized, it creates a positive and inclusive school climate. CASEL SELect programs promote a sense of belonging and connection among students, reducing instances of bullying and fostering a supportive environment for all. This, in turn, leads to increased student engagement, improved attendance rates, and overall higher levels of student satisfaction.

Long-term Life Skills:

 The skills acquired through CASEL SELect programs extend beyond the classroom and have a lasting impact on students' lives. These programs equip students with essential life skills such as self-awareness, self-management, responsible decision-making, and healthy relationship building. These skills are instrumental in fostering personal growth, resilience, and success in various domains throughout their lives.

Comparing CASEL SELect, Promising, and SEL-Supportive Designations

While CASEL SELect programs represent the highest standard of quality and effectiveness in social and emotional learning, it's important to understand the distinctions between other designations offered by CASEL, namely Promising and SEL-Supportive. Let's delve into the characteristics and implications of each designation:






Programs that have met CASEL’s high-quality program design standards and demonstrated evidence of positive outcomes.

Programs must meet all of CASEL’s program design criteria and have strong evidence of positive outcomes based on rigorous research studies.

As discussed earlier, CASEL SELect programs meet rigorous criteria and demonstrate a high level of alignment with CASEL's framework. These programs have undergone extensive evaluation and research, providing solid evidence of their effectiveness in promoting social and emotional learning. Schools and educators can have confidence in the quality and impact of CASEL SELect programs when implementing them in their educational settings.


Programs that have demonstrated potential for positive impact on students’ social and emotional development, but have not yet met all of CASEL’s program design criteria.

Programs must have at least one study that shows statistically significant improvements in students’ social and emotional skills or academic outcomes related to social and emotional skills, but may not meet all of CASEL’s program design criteria.

The Promising designation is awarded to programs that show strong potential in promoting social and emotional learning. While they may not have the same level of empirical evidence as CASEL SELect programs, they have demonstrated promising results in early evaluations. These programs typically align with most of CASEL's framework and employ evidence-informed practices. The Promising designation allows schools and educators to explore and implement programs that show potential but require further research and evaluation to attain CASEL SELect status.


Programs that may not have a specific SEL focus, but incorporate some SEL principles into their approach to teaching and learning.

Programs may include elements of SEL, such as relationship-building, student-centered instruction, and supportive classroom environments, but may not have a formalized SEL curriculum or program.

The SEL-Supportive designation is awarded to programs that provide a supportive environment for social and emotional learning. These programs may not fully align with all of CASEL's framework or have undergone extensive research evaluation. However, they demonstrate a commitment to fostering social and emotional skills in students. SEL-Supportive programs can serve as a valuable supplement to existing social and emotional learning initiatives in schools, providing additional resources and strategies to support students' holistic development.

It's important to note that while Promising and SEL-Supportive designations indicate varying degrees of evidence and alignment with CASEL's framework, all programs endorsed by CASEL share a common goal of promoting social and emotional learning. Schools and educators should consider their specific needs, available resources, and the level of evidence required when selecting a program that best suits their educational environment.

It's important to note that while Promising and SEL-Supportive designations indicate varying degrees of evidence and alignment with CASEL's framework, all programs endorsed by CASEL share a common goal of promoting social and emotional learning. Schools and educators should consider their specific needs, available resources, and the level of evidence required when selecting a program that best suits their educational environment.

In summary, CASEL SELect programs represent the pinnacle of quality and effectiveness in social and emotional learning. Promising programs show strong potential and can be considered for implementation with the understanding that further research and evaluation are needed. SEL-Supportive programs provide valuable resources to support social and emotional learning initiatives and can complement existing efforts in schools. By understanding the distinctions between these designations, educators can make informed decisions when selecting programs to enhance students' social and emotional skills.