Leader Resources

CSR and Men's Health: Growing More than a Moustache

Written by Ana Zaldarriaga | Monday, November 23, 2015


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very often front-and-center in Ana's mind. But as it's "Movember" this month, both CSR and Men's Health are occupying equal space in her thoughts. Read more in her latest post

Today has been a jam-packed day of learning at our internal Leadership Classroom, and I am ending the day after a workshop on CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility. With CSR at the forefront of my thinking, my attention is drawn to a colleague of mine who has been steadily (and creepily!) growing a moustache over the last few weeks.

It isn’t the first time our office is participating in Movember, the moustache-growing challenge that raises money for men’s health awareness. It has been globally trending over the years, finding its way into many companies' CSR initiatives, evident in the increasing number of hairy faces (and sometimes legs and armpits) along with fun mustache accessories in November. As a woman who is drawn to men with facial hair (and even married to a bearded hunk), it would seem like I would be passionately endorsing this initiative. However, when my co-worker asked for my support this year, I found myself a little less enthusiastic than usual.

Like I said, I love moustaches, the different styles it represents and its popularity in pop culture right now. But what I discovered I didn’t love was that I’ve rarely heard the men participating in Movember talk about their last physical, and definitely even less conversation around prostate exams. I get it. It’s not sexy to talk about all that stuff. But what’s sexier and better than a moustache is that mustached man living a long healthy life so he can keep rocking it with his loved ones.

So as a woman who wants to support Movember (and as a woman who is a wife, daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and friend), I need every man to know that I am in full support of you. Just Move through Movember fully! Grow the ‘Stache, raise the money, AND go to the doctor. So if you’re in for the challenge, do me a favor: make the following tips from the Movember Foundation be a part of your life.

Check in regularly with friends and family.
It’s all too easy to prioritize other aspects of your life, but make sure you put effort into staying connected with friends—for your own benefit and for theirs.

The best thing you can do for your health is to stay active. How you MOVE is up to you. Whether it’s a work out one day, a quick jog at lunchtime the next, an hour at the ping-pong table, or an epic bike ride, no MOVE is too big or small.

Talk about the big stuff in life.

The break up of a relationship, loss of a job, financial trouble or becoming a father are big moments in a man’s life that happen to many men. It’s important to recognize the impact of these and know it’s ok to talk about how you’re coping with the change.

Knowledge is power.

Family history is one of the most powerful tools to understanding your health. Family history affects your level of risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, among other illnesses. It all starts with a conversation; talk to your family and take note of illnesses that a direct relative has experienced. Be sure to learn about relatives that are deceased as well.

If you notice something, do something.

You know your body better than anyone. If you notice something isn’t feeling right, don’t put it off and hope that it goes away, go to the doctor and get it checked out. Early detection is the most important factor in treating the big issues.

Ana Zaldarriaga is the Senior Director Special Initaitives at The Leadership Program. She is also a proud supporter of Team MoLeadershippin’ at The Leadership Program. For more information on Movember, go to https://us.movember.com/mens-health/general

"CSR and Men's Health: Growing More than a Moustache", The Leadership Program, 2015