Leader Resources

Box Hunt

Written by Ana Zaldarriaga | Thursday, April 3, 2014
Boxes are a precious commodity in today’s world.  Don’t believe me? Try going to your local grocery store and ask for some cardboard boxes like you used to when you made your first apartment move.  Whether it is the lingering effects of the economic recession or eco-design, the bottoms of the boxes are now missing. Just a 2-inch cardboard frame holds the bulk contents of each box from falling out. So when I started packing up my house a week ago, I found myself needing boxes and unable to find them.
My cousin, and co-packer, suggested trying the local deli that seemed to have boxes in front of it. I had tried the liquor store but they already recycled their boxes.  Of course, we could go buy some, but it seemed like a ridiculous idea to buy something that other people just throw out. Some passerby noticed our hurried and frantic scan of the streets. “Hey, do you need some boxes?  I have some good ones on my porch. Just go to …”.
My cousin commented on how when you start looking for something, all of a sudden it seems to be everywhere.  What you focus on expands. I got boxes from friends, stores, strangers’ stoops, but it still wasn’t enough.  I ended up using industrial strength garbage bags, because it turns out my focus wasn’t really on the boxes but on making space in my home.
For some fun focus, download the Faberge Giant Easter Egg Hunt at
For more on other people’s precious commodities, go to www.freecycle.org
