Personal Leadership Development

Adventure Awaits: You Just Need to Grab It

Written by Erika Petrelli | Oct 18, 2016 3:00:00 PM

Adventure Awaits: You Just Need to Grab It

"The Wonder Wheel (History)", Tony Fischer,


Right now it’s Monday just shy of noon and I’m standing in my office in New York City typing this as I watch my five-year old son and eight-year old daughter sitting at a desk off to the side building Legos.   Building Legos that a co-worker shared with them. Enjoying the attention of all my co-workers as they pass by.

It has been a good day. 

It started with the car service that I ordered to pick us up at 4 am showing up with a stretch limo as a surprise treat for the kids.  Then when we got to the airport the canine unit was working which meant we didn’t have to take off shoes or belts or unpack bags. Then we “got” to sit in the very back row of the airplane which the kids felt was as cool as riding in the back row of a roller coaster. Then we saw the full moon—The Wolf Moon, did you know?—alighting the sky as we took off.   

It’s fall break for the kids and so they came with me to NYC for a week-long adventure.  At work.  With me.  

I hope the start to this day is an indicator of how this week is going to unfold.  

Marlowe came with me last year, which was magical for both of us, and I am so excited that Dylan gets to join in the fun this year. Because adventures await.

There are always a hundred reasons why not to do something like this. Logistics can seem overwhelming. In some ways it’s “harder” to have them here.

But a stretch limo at 4:00 in the morning and a full moon to send us on our way are reminders that the reasons not to grab an adventure should never ever block us from the reasons to

And because right now, they have moved away from the Legos and are giggling and whispering conspiratorially as they run past me with name tags in their hands; Marlowe saying as she runs past that they are doing an activity to help people get to know them better.   

And because so far, it’s not driving my co-workers crazy.  So far, it’s inducing smiles.   

So far…. It’s a pretty good week.  


Footnote… it’s Tuesday morning now and I wanted to add this:  Adventure doesn’t always have to be a stretch limo and a fancy trip. Last night we were exhausted from our early early morning so instead of frolicking around the city we decided to just stay in the hotel room. We got ramen noodles and frozen pizza to microwave, played Old Maid on the bed, read a few chapters of Super Fudge, and crashed.   I feel like I’ll remember that night as powerfully as I will remember the ride in the limo.  

Adventure can also be unexpected magic.  My wonderful colleague and friend Tom Armstrong just gave Dylan a Brazilian guitar, called a cavaquinho, actually bought in Brazil, which he is enamored with and which he cannot stop playing. 

I wonder what adventure awaits us next.  

What adventure is awaiting you?

Wings & Whimsy Challenge: Awaken!

I think that
the last two days have reminded me that adventure awaits us if we are both open to saying YES and
awakening to what's around us. What do you think
adventure is? What adventures have awaited you this week?
?Tell me about it in the comments below, or tweet me

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“Adventure Awaits: You Just Need to Grab It”, The Leadership Program, 2016