Personal Leadership Development

A Seussism For You-ssism

Written by Erika Petrelli | Mar 8, 2016 12:46:00 PM


A Seussism, you say? Well that sounds ok! Join Erika (and Geisel) in a Seussism display!


Last week was the celebration of the birthday of Dr. Seuss, legendary and remarkable children’s author. Inspired by all the Seussisms floating across my screen, I thought I’d do this week’s blog Seuss-style. Here’s to you, sir.


I’ll say what I mean, and I’ll mean what I say—


As the sun shines on your pretty face today,

Don’t let anyone stand in your way.

You are perfectly you—the only you that will do.

You’re gifted and funny and smart—who knew?!


When I look at you I see limitless potential—

The gifts inside are like a rain that’s torrential!

You have more to offer than this world could even handle,

glowing, strong and sweet, like a light from a candle.


So scale that mountain, tear down that wall

And don’t be afraid if sometimes you fall.

Because fall you will, but you will also fly—

And if you jump in with two feet, you’ll see why.


It’s the secret to life that some might not tell you—

On the way to the sky there’s a lot you must go through:

There’s rocks, there’s dirt, there’s wind that blows fierce,

There are doubters and haters with sounds that would pierce.

But in the midst of all that there is so much more, too!

There are people you love who will also love you.

There are gifts and surprises and moments that shine

There is ice cream and sunshine and music that's fine.


It’s all part of this great big journey you’re on,

If you believe in yourself, there’s no way you’ll go wrong.

I’ll tell you this one more thing, too.

I will always and forever be so proud of you.


The world is lucky that you are here now,

But I am luckier still and I will tell you how:

I get to listen to your words as they take shape,

I get to watch as your mind opens up like a drape.

I get to wrap my arms around you in the morning sun.

Yes, when it comes to loving you… I’ll never be done. 


Have a Suessism of your own? Share in comments section below or Tweet to @ErikaPetrelli1

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"A Seussism for You-ssism", The Leadership Program, Inc. 2016